Our History

Having been active in this unique market for decades, we've experienced a lot and celebrated many significant moments. Below, you can find these notable milestones that make us proud.


1985: Synchron was founded as the automation department of the Wilten-Group

1987: Synchron linked a robotic pipetting station to a automated MTP reader for bloodbank use

1990: Synchron developed software for calculation of Elisa experiments for micro plate readers

1993: Scanning software for MTP Anthos reader  that made it possible to automate blood typing.

1994: Introduction of a total automated laboratory for Elisa techniques and blood typing

1996 - 2000

1997: Automation of the Military Bloodbank Amsterdam

1997: Developed automated tests on viruses to protect the export of the flower bulbs.

1997: Dedicated Robotic Pipetting software for Abbott,Organon,Wellcome Diagnostics

1998: Development of “fully walk away” system to fill out petri dishes with agar and samples.

1999: Synchron participates in sample pooling project for 8 blood banks to reduce costs.

1999: Development of a Windows based Bloodtyping Genesis software for Tecan Switzerland

1999: Synchron invests in new State of Art Pipetting platform Sias Xantus.

2001 - 2008

2003: Launch of HTS robot for formulations of paints and inks

2006: Derk Wilten becomes director and owner of Synchron .

2007: Launch of DMPK robot with integration of Covaris Technology.

2007: 4 large custom made systems installed in Gemany.

2008: Development of HT Powder Dosing Unit

2008: Implementation of Vision Technology in various systems (e.g.  Buffy Coat recognition)

2009 - 2014

2009: Synchron Development Office at Tu/e  (Technical University Eindhoven)

2010 : Development of  Spray Robot for Pesticides.

2011: New partner in Automation : Denso Robotics.

2012: Development of  HT Sub-Sampling system for used oils.

2013: Official  Launch of Floyd the Tubepicker www.floydtubepicker.com

2013: First Installations in Singapore & Shanghai

2014: Development of Automated Crackle Test

2014: Introduction of 3d Printing for engineering R&D

2015 - 2023

2015 – First robotic installation in the USA.

2015 – Introduction of new Formuation robot for Detergents

2016 – Start-Up of WAS concept together with Niels Kruize. (later BU Synchron Agro)

2017 – Start of Synchron Innovation Center Groningen

2023 - Synchron joins Molgen